Mission Statement of Bridge to Inspire
Bridge to Inspire is a family-based lifetime learning group that strives to build a supportive, inspirational and fun community for parents and young students to live, learn and lead. Families in the group will inspire and be inspired to develop good citizenship and leadership skills through community service, educational programs and volunteer opportunities.
Created in the year of war in Europe, political turmoil and economic uncertainty in the world, Bridge to Inspire is the bridge of mutual understanding, the bridge of racial reconciliation, and the bridge to a better world.
Bridge to Inspire ,鼓舞桥,是位于洛杉矶南湾Palos Verdes 半岛地区的非营利组织。该组织是以家庭为基础的终身学习服务平台,致力于为家长和年轻学生建立一个互相支持、鼓舞人心且充满乐趣的社区。该组织使命是提升公民意识和社会责任心,通过社区服务,教育课程和义工机会而培养领导力和创新能力。
鼓舞桥成立于充满不确定性的的年代,欧洲战争、疾病大流行、经济衰退、世界政治动荡… 鼓舞桥是沟通的桥梁,理解的桥梁,这是通往族裔和解,人类共荣的坚实桥梁。
Recent Project
M.I.A Recoveries Fundraiser & Seminar, 10/29/2022